At reSpirit Healing, I believe true transformation begin within. For over 20 years, I've been guiding individuals on their journey to relieve stress, heal deeply, and reconnect with their true selves. Using techniques like massage, intuitive energy work, Reiki, and Emotion Code, my mission is to break down barriers, release heart walls, a nd awaken the vibrant energy that lies within you.
Weather you're seeking balance, clarity, or emotional freedom, I'm here to create a safe and nurturing space where healing is not just a process - it's a profound experience. Let's work together to reawaken your spirit, heal your inner beauty, and transform your life from the inside out.
Take the first step toward the healing you deserve.

The Universal Connection
of Energy
Energy has many names from all around the world, reflecting the vast cultural interpretations of this vital force. Common terms include Prana (from Hindu traditions), Qi or Chi (from Chinese philosophy), and Reiki (a Japanese concept of spiritual energy). Each of these names represents the same essential idea: a life force that flows within and connects all living things. This energy is believed to sustain life, promote balance, and link people to the world around them. Whether seen as a spiritual essence or a metaphor for vitality, it underscores a shared understanding across cultures—that we are all interconnected through an invisible yet powerful force that drives existence itself.

Energy Healing
Energy healing—also known as distant healing, therapeutic touch, acupuncture, Qigong, spiritual healing, biofield energy healing, massage, Reiki, and more—has been practiced in various forms for centuries across cultures worldwide. While definitions may differ among practitioners and healing modalities, the essence remains the same: harnessing the body's energy to promote balance and well-being. Although modern energy medicine currently lacks a standardized scientific definition, advancements in fields like quantum physics, neuroscience, and epigenetics are shedding new light on its principles. These breakthroughs highlight the significance of our life force energy and reveal just how much influence we have over our health and overall well-being.
Not all traumatic events are equal, but the trapped emotions they leave behind are!
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship, experienced the loss of a loved one, or gone through an event you couldn’t control but knew was deeply wrong? Maybe you’ve been startled by a scary movie, tripped and twisted your ankle, or felt an overwhelming wave of sadness or anger when you thought you had lost something—only to later find it again. Believe it or not, all of these situations and more can lead to trapped emotions!
Traumatic events—whether it’s abuse, violence, a car accident, or even a fall—can impact anyone, regardless of age. For young children, such incidents can be especially impactful, leaving lasting effects on their mental and emotional development.

Why do trapped emotions matter?

Trapped emotions matter because they can have a significant impact on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. When emotions are not fully processed, they can become trapped in the body, creating imbalances that can lead to a wide range of issues—from physical pain and fatigue to anxiety and depression. These unresolved emotions can also influence our behaviors, relationships, and overall quality of life. By identifying and releasing trapped emotions, we can restore balance, improve health, and experience more emotional freedom and clarity.
Trapped emotions can profoundly impact how we experience life. They might affect how quickly we get angry or frustrated, how we interact with loved ones or colleagues, or why we keep repeating unhealthy patterns. You might feel stuck in your job or business, experience "writer's block," struggle with studying, or find that hobbies you once loved no longer bring fulfillment. Whether big or small, trapped emotions can influence every area of our lives.
For example; Many years ago, I struggled to complete my chart notes after each massage session. I just couldn’t focus, and it was taking me forever. After releasing a few trapped emotions related to paperwork, I was able to breeze through my notes with no problem.

Non-physical Attachments and their Impact
A negative or low vibrational entity is a non-physical entity that isn't a human spirit. They can be hard to detected because they play off your weaknesses, imbalances and other trapped energies. They exasperate issues you already have such as (but not limited to) anxiety, high blood pressure, and emotions like quick to anger or frustration. The issues they cause are intentional.
A human spirit that has yet to cross over. Sometimes they don't want to or aren't ready to cross over. When attached to a living person, they believe they are trying to help people, but it is only from 'their' human perspective, and not what may be best for the individual they are attached too. Although they don't usually try to harm intentionally, this can interference with intuition and sometimes misguidance with decisions.
Signs you could have an Attachment
- Hyper Sensitive
- Quick Tempered
- Chronic Fatigue or Low energy
- Feeling Stuck or Lost
- Seem to have Bad Luck
- Headaches
- Feeling Powerless or Helpless
- Lack of Purpose
- Restlessness or Bad Dreams
- Anxiety or Depressed
- Hearing Voices or Disturbing Images
- Feeling like "This isn't me"
- Sudden Onset of physical problems with no apparent cause
- Unexplained Fears & Phobias or Behavioral issues
- Sudden onset of anxiety, Depression or Panic Attacks
- Poor memory, inability to focus, or confusion more than is normal
NOTE: Having one or more of these negative attachment signs not a guarantee that you have an actual attachment. If you DO have one or more of these signs AND you have a negative attachment, this also does not guarantee that it is the cause or complete cause of the symptom(s) you have.
Who could benefit from Energy Work?
Owning a pet means you know they can have big personalities! That also means they have lots of emotions, just like we do. They can also have trapped emotions from traumatic events. Maybe they were abandoned, in a fight, or had physical trauma from a human. Just like with humans, there are many reasons an animal may have trapped emotions and energies. This can show up in many ways from behavioral issues (anxiety or not liking certain people, etc.) to health issues (tumors, vomiting, bowel issues, etc.).

Infants & Toddlers
Witnessing or experiencing a major traumatic event, such as abuse, violence, car accident, a fall, can have serious effects with a small child and their development. But even Infants who have not experienced a "major" traumatic event can have trapped emotions. Prolonged crying, a sibling that was just a little too rough or getting startled by loud noises, can effect their bond with their parents or caregivers or even the way they interact with other children, especially as they get older.
Children & Teens
Do your kids sometimes have bad attitudes, talk back, misbehave, or mean to their siblings? Or maybe they are introverted, timid, and have no confidence!
Learning to grow up is hard, regardless of what generation you grow up in. Learning to understand, process, and work through your emotions can feel impossible for almost anyone. Then you add hormones, peer pressure and bulling into the mix? That is a recipe for some trauma!!

Adults & Seniors
Whether minor or severe, I'm sure all of us can remember a time or two from our childhood that traumatized us. Even when we think we have moved past them, some of them still linger and we don't realize it. Then we add trauma from adulthood on top of that! Not to mention just the regular stress of life, family work and society. All of these things can create all kinds of trapped energies and emotions.
For some, it can be repeating poor relationship cycles, others no motivation in life, anxiety, or you just get irritated all the time. It can come out as anything! And then what? It can set you up for more trapped emotions!
Forgiveness & why is it important
The true act of forgiveness is the most conscious and selfish act someone can do. To say you forgive someone or a situation is a good start, but to consciously forgive and release trapped emotions, thoughts, even beliefs related to experiences in your life, has NOTHING to do with anyone else, but you!
Forgiveness is a choice to let go of your "emotional baggage" that is holding you back from making stable, healthy choices for your future.

Areas people have experienced improvements
- Physical Injury , Illness or Chronic Pain
- Home, Work or Chronic Stress
- Physical, Emotional or Spiritual Trauma
- Divorce / Relationship problems
- Rejection, Betrayal or Abandonment
- Loss of a loved one
- Negative self talk
- Food Intolerances / Allergies
- Headaches / Migraines
- Depression / Mood Swings
- Eating Disorders
- Anxiety / Panic Attacks
- Internalizing your feelings
- Addictions
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Joint pain
- And much more

Schedule A Session Today!
Do you have reservations, maybe a few questions before deciding to schedule? Perfect! Please contact me with any questions you may have!